This is an enormously exciting time to be part of the Lancer community as we are at 这是我们机构历史上一个关键的十字路口.  全球卫生危机和 racial unrest of the past nearly two years has revealed systemic disparities that disproportionately burdened members of underrepresented groups; its highlighted the ongoing violence and policing of black and brown bodies; its unveiled the heightened uncertainty of immigration-impacted students, and has placed a spotlight on the increase in mental health cases associated with isolation and dependency on remote technology.  In response, PCC has recommitted itself to championing a trauma-informed, anti-racist campus community centered on equity, inclusion, responsivity and accountability.  As such, we have increased our transparency, opened important dialogues about race/ethnicity, inclusion and diversity, and reimagined resource allocation to support the sustained efforts centering the pursuit of equitable learning and working environments. 我们有 为应对巨大困难而崛起的. 

As a thought partner in this work, the newly established Division aims to impact equity and inclusion through sustained institutionalized transformation, identifying immediate and long-term expected outcomes, fostering accountability through planning and assessment, and establishing milestones and timelines within the context of the strategic plan influenced by community needs, input and participation. 在我们的支柱指引下 area, Teaching and Education, Student Equity, Success and Access, 第九条 and Compliance 多元化参与和社区外展. 我们致力于共同的工作 and sustained efforts of reimagining a sense of community for all.

It's an honor to serve alongside outstanding  professionals in our collective efforts to make the 太阳城集团官方网址导航 community an increasingly welcoming, equitable, diverse, and inclusive place void of bias, discrimination, inequity, and marginalization. 我们有 a great deal of work ahead, but together we will make lasting, positive change.

— Dr. Kari E. 保伦

Associate Vice President, Chief Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Officer, 第九条 协调员

“You know my friends, there comes a time when people get tired of being trampled by 压迫的铁脚. 总有一天 my friends, when people get tired of being plunged across the abyss of humiliation, where they experience the bleakness 唠叨的绝望. 总有一天 when people get tired of being pushed out of the glittering sunlight of life's July and left standing amid the piercing chill of 高山的十一月. 总有一天.” 

——马丁·路德·金., A Testament of Hope: The Essential Writings and Speeches


After one of the most challenging and painful years in our country’s history, today 在牧师博士的生日. 马丁·路德·金. 我们抓住机会 反思他的工作、生活和遗产.  在这个时代,作为一个国家和社会, we have been confronted by traumatic events that have called into question whether the attainment of a community free of racial segregation, economic injustice and violence can be realized, that reflection is more necessary than ever.   

Like so many of you, I watched in sadness and dismay earlier this month as domestic terrorists violated our democratic institutions with symbols of racism and hate. I also observed the striking contrast between the presence and response of law enforcement during these riots and the largely peaceful protests for racial justice this past 夏天. 

在这些艰难的时刻. 马丁·路德·金的遗产为后人提供了一个主要的榜样 committed to the work required to become the kind of anti-racist multicultural society 他的设想.  His life and teachings are a testament to just how much can be accomplished when advocacy and radical activism are brought to bear on behalf of minoritized communities.  However, to do this work, we must acknowledge the depth and breadth of our contemporary racial conflicts, the legacies of our troubled history and the sacrifice of those martyrs who have galvanized communities to make racial justice and equity “the beating 这个国家的心脏.”

As our country remembers the lasting legacy of the Reverend Dr. 马丁·路德·金, Jr. this month, I invite you to keep the “unarmed truth and unconditional love” at 你们心灵和思想的前沿.  接受我们在建设中的个人角色 the “beloved community” is in nurturing the campus community we imagine.  现在更 than ever, we must recommit ourselves to the urgent call for confronting and ending racism and for a renewed effort to correct historic racial injustices and inequities.  

Despite the obstacles, we are an essential part of the solution to bridge what divides 美国作为一个国家. 在一起,我们可以纪念博士. 马丁·路德·金的杰出遗产 ideals to life through a relentless pursuit of social justice and liberation for all.  As we do so, let us look to his words: “Power without love is reckless and abusive, 没有权力的爱是多愁善感和贫血的. 权力的最佳状态是爱的实现 the demands of justice, and justice at its best is power correcting everything that 反对爱情.”

Dr. Kari 保伦